Chemical Equation Expert - Perkakas yang bagus untuk menghitung persamaan kimia yang rumit
Saat ini kami tidak memiliki ulasan untuk software: Chemical Equation Expert, versi 2.12a. Jika Anda ingin menulis ulasan untuk software ini, silakan melakukannya dan kirimkan kepada kami, dengan senang hati kami akan menyertakan ulasan Anda di sini.The Chemical Equation Expert is a program designed to help professionals and students simplify their chemical calculations. The application is designed to integrate itself with various chemistry related tables and formulas. Via the Chemical Equation Expert, you will be able to be able to conduct complex chemical equations and all the calculations pertaining to the subject.
The Chemical Equation Experts makes everything easier for both teachers and students. More interestingly, all your calculations are fun as well. The application is designed to be an intuitive chemical calculation balancer, which means it balances all chemical equations efficiently and in the blink of an eye.
For example, let’s take a really tough equation, such as: H2+18Ca (CN) 2+6NaAlF4+12FeSO4+6MgSiO3+6KI +2H3PO4+12PbCrO4+24BrCl+6CF2Cl2+24SO2 = 12PbBr2+12CrCl3+6MgCO3+6KAl (OH) 4+12Fe (SCN) 3+ 2PI3+6NaSiO3+18CaF2+110H2O. If you run this through the Chemical Equation Expert, it will balance out the equation in matter of just seconds leaving you awestruck.
The secret to the application’s precision balancing is the equation search engine with which it is designed. The equation search engine works to process information by specifying any equation’s core reactants or other elements. You can even optimize the search engine through adding more complicated chemical equations.
The Chemical Equation Expert enables you to compute mass moles of different chemical compounds that belong to a particular elected equation. All in all, the application can come in considerably handy.
Download Chemical Equation Expert Versi 2.12a
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